#5003 - Printerly Color, Pattern & Texture - A bound sampler of techniques with Jessica Spring, Oct 10-11

Using a experimental approach, students will focus on creating a sampler of techniques employing color, pattern and texture with or without a printing press. We’ll explore paper dying, non-toxic image transfers, collographs, pochoir, collage, ink mixing, and how to make a very simple “stomping press” for nature printing.

Students will bind a sampler book to serve as a handy reference for future projects.

Saturday and Sunday, October 10-11 from 10 am to 4 pm

Fee: $250

Instructor: Jessica Spring learned to set real metal type in 1989 and has been a letterpress printer ever since. Her work at Springtide Press—artist books, broadsides and ephemera—is included in collections around the country and abroad. Collaborations are an important part of her work, either printing for other artists or teaching students traditional letterpress printing, typography and book arts. She has an MFA from Columbia College Chicago Centre for Book & Paper. See more of her work and a link to her portfolio at /

Workshop Refund Policy: Students must submit a refund request at least 7 days before the start date of a class to be issued a full (100%) refund. Requests submitted between 7 days and the start date of a class will be eligible for a 50% refund. No refunds will be issued on the day a class begins, or following the first class (if it meets multiple times).

Classes missed by students cannot be refunded or rescheduled, and makeup classes will not be provided to students who miss a regularly scheduled class. Classes with insufficient enrollment may be cancelled prior to the first class. Every effort will be made to notify the student regarding cancellation within 3 days before the first class.

If BookArtsLA cancels the class, the student will receive a full refund.

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